The nesting season runs from March through September.
Hatching takes place from May to November.
Incubation takes approximately 60 to 70 days.

Did You Know…
- Sea Turtles return to their natal beach in order to nest.
- Sea Turtles use the earth’s magnetic field to guide them on their long journeys at sea.
- Sea Turtles do not nest every year, but rather every 2-5 years.
- The Leatherback Sea Turtles of Aruba lay about 115 eggs a clutch.
- The Leatherback female will nest 6 – 8 times a season.
- It is estimated that only 1 in 1000 hatchlings survives to maturity.
- All species of sea turtles are endangered and need our protection.
If you wish to help the conservation of Sea Turtles in Aruba, please make a donation to:
Aruba Bank
Accnt #4006684